September 2018 Vigil

Tomorrow, 9/10 from 1-3pm, we will be making “new” signs for the Tuesday vigil. Please join us at the Friends Meeting House, located at 1725 Grand Ave., St. Paul. ICOM will bring poster board and markers but you may wish to bring some of your own as well.

The Tuesday 9/11 vigil will begin at 7:30am at the Whipple Federal Building. On Tuesday, our special guest will be Adriana Ceron, a relative of “Juan” and Leticia. Juan was released from the Hennepin County jail (HCSO) last week then, only minutes later, Juan was kidnapped by ICE in full collaboration with HCSO. ICE must be abolished and Sheriff Stanek must go!

Spread the word.

Please join us tomorrow and Tuesday if you can.

Call to Action

  1. Money for bail and legal defense are being collected for “Juan” and his family, whose story of being detained by ICE after being released by a Hennepin County Judge we heard today. Contact Father Daniel Romero (dro… if you are able to help.
  2. Join MIRAC for an action, September 12, at 9 am at Minneapolis City Hall (350 S 5th St) where they will demand immediate passage of a Municipal ID to help immigrants, the homeless, and other marginalized residents participate more fully in our society. More details on this and future “Sanctuary Now!” events can be seen at the MIRAC facebook page.   
  3. Join ISAIAH on Sunday, September 23 to let the candidates for the Hennepin County Sheriff, County Attorney and County Commissioner know that our residents deserve law enforcement that does not collaborate with ICE to terrorize us and that we must work together to dismantle the systems of incarceration and deportation at the county level. Sunday, September 23rd | 2:00-4:45pm: Power, Pain, Politics and the Polls: Hennepin County Candidate Forum, New Creation Church: 1922 N 25th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55411. Please Register Today.
  4. Doctors Without Borders presents “Forced from Home”, an interactive exhibit at the Commons across from U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis.  Visitors to the exhibit will experience the plight of the world’s 68.5 million refugees through artifacts and virtual reality and will be reminded of Minnesota’s proud legacy of welcoming those in need with resettlement programs that have enriched our community. Exhibit hours are 4 pm to 8 pm on weekdays and 10 am to 6 pm on weekends and it runs until Sunday, September 16.
  5. Come to the next ICOM meeting at 6:30 pm on Thursday, September 20 at the Friends Meeting House in St. Paul (1725 Grand Ave). We will reflect on the past vigil, start planning for the next, and discuss the next steps in our program to accompany families experiencing deportation.