News & Events

  • January Vigil 2024

    “Immigration Justice and the Commandments” Temple Israel with be our co-host with Rabbi Ricky presenting. Karla Leitzman from Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service will also…

  • December 2023 Vigil

    “Accompaniment: Advent Points to Seeking Refuge and Engaged Waiting” Our vigil this month is hosted by the St Joan of Arc Community’s ministry of  “Welcome…

  • AID Progress Notes October 2023 

    The month of October began with temperatures in the nineties and ended with snow.  AID volunteers were extremely busy getting out warm winter gear.  We…

  • November 2023 Vigil

    Speakers include members of Plymouth Congregational Church and ICOM. Join us in person or online as we stand up for immigrant families and neighbors. We will…

  • October 2023 Vigil

    We welcome you to our vigil in October. Our presenters will be Cheryl Behrent, director of Sarah’s, an Oasis for Women, and Sara Adams, ICOM’s…

  • September 2023 Vigil

    Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, St. Paul, is pleased to host the September ICOM Vigil for immigrant justice.  Gloria Dei is a caring, healing, and welcoming…